Mastering Convenience: How AI & Automation Can Propel Your Business Forward

Posted by: rochelle Comments: 0

If you have heard folks talk about artificial intelligence (AI) or ChatGPT, this should let you know that the digital world is moving surprisingly fast.

These new tools are setting the standard for the way people search and get information. 

What does this mean for your business? 

To keep pace with the need for quick answers from potential and current clients, you should prioritize using tools that can set you apart and help you get ahead of this demand for convenience.  

You’re probably thinking…

 “I don’t have time to focus on another thing, my plate is full” 

“My business is okay, we get clients from word-of-mouth”

“I don’t have the patience for technology”.

When was the last time you searched for something online? Did you stay on a website for more than a few minutes if you couldn’t find what you needed quickly? Probably not. Most people leave a website in less than three minutes if it doesn’t have what they want. If they can’t find what they need on your site, they’ll go look somewhere else. This behavior means lost sales for your business.

Not to mention, when potential customers search for your type of business near them and you don’t show up in the results, you miss out on website visits, phone calls, and sales.

The reality is, that despite how you feel, the way people interact with businesses is changing. If you expect your business to continue to thrive 5+ years from now, taking action sooner than later could impact the growth of your business.

Modern Tools Can Boost Business Growth

How can you keep up with this need for speed while managing your business? You have three choices:

1. Hire someone who knows how to help with this.

2. Do it yourself.

3. Do nothing.

If you choose option 1 or 2, here are some things you can do to make sure people can find you online and use tools that can help your business work more efficiently. If you opt for number 3, that’s your choice, no judgment. 

Step 1: Make sure people can find you when they’re looking:

  • Create a professional website with content that your customers will like.
  • Claim and set up your Google My Business profile. When people search for businesses like yours nearby, you’ll show up.
  • Set up at least one social media profile. Sometimes search engines show social media profiles before websites, and people use social media to find businesses.

Step 2: Use tools that make you available when people find you:

  • Use an AI chat assistant on your website to answer questions 24/7.
    • Imagine how much easier it would be if an AI assistant could answer questions, make appointments, or help customers, so your staff can focus on giving great service and growing the business. Remember, AI helps, but it doesn’t replace the personal touch.

Step 3: Use automation that fits your business:

  • Set up emails that go out when customers book an appointment, sign up for your email communications, download a free document, sign up for a course or event, or more.
  • Use text messages to reach people who missed calls or to remind them about appointments or special offers.

AI and automation aren’t just something to think about for the future. It’s something you need to do now to stay ahead. As customers change how they shop and technology gets better, businesses that change and find new ways to do things will do better. So, jump into the digital world, use AI and automation, and make sure your business isn’t just keeping up but leading in a world where everything’s digital.

Effective marketing & sales efforts are supported by systems. 

Marketing is about reaching the right audience and entering them into the sales process. The goal of sales is to provide the customer with the information they need to make a decision. Effective marketing & sales is when both deliver results and are repeatable. Each of these processes can be amplified by incorporating systems. Click here to schedule your 30-minute free AI & Automation Consultation for your business. Let’s continue to grow. 

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